Happy Summer Solstice! Are You Bikini Ready?
The Longest Light of the Year, Summer Solstice marks the official 1st day of Summer. Since Winter Solstice in December, the longest dark of the year....we've slowly been gaining more light each day to arrive at Summer!
Summer Solstice is a GREAT time to be Grateful for the beautiful people, things, experiences and prosperity you have. Remember to celebrate as you are a being of the Light. We live in a sea of photons from the Sun. Photons (light) is in us and everything. By thinking of the light, it naturally comes to you, fills you up and surrounds you as a bubble or energy field of light. Take a moment to breathe and reflect on the magnificent spirit of light, you are on this beautiful day of Light!
Summer is Upon Us ~ Happy Solstice
I’m curious…are you still struggling with your weight?
Have you been trying for months to get ready for your beach body, but still can’t get yourself to make the changes you need to make? I understand….
What it really comes down to is this:
What you put in your body, your food intake and what you put into your mind….your thoughts and beliefs. Did you know your thoughts create how you feel?
That’s right. Often it seems like we have no idea why we feel the way we do…we just feel…however, it is our thoughts about what we think is true that creates an emotional reaction from our subconscious minds, where all our habit patterns are stored.
So sometimes when we try to make a change, we find it difficult…..
No matter what diet you use and we all know there are millions of those, if our mind and emotions are not on board…it will continue to be difficult.
What you put into your body is hugely important for health, vitality, happiness, clarity and a successful life. Unfortunately, we live in a world that thrives on fast food and packaged “foods” that are sold to us as healthy. These foods are not even really food and full of hidden sugars, sodium and preservatives. To get healthy and stay that way, you must stop consuming packaged and genetically modified foods and get back to basics, the way nature intended.
There are so many amazing recipes for veggie dishes, grass fed beef and free range organic chicken. It’s worth the extra few dollars each week to avoid costly health issues that come with poisoning ourselves with packaged food and sugary beverages.
Our bodies were designed to move. Every day, no matter what….move your body for 30 minutes consistently and with purpose, stretch, tune into to this beautiful organic body of yours.
You are a walking, talking miracle! Treat your body as the temple it is….your spirit lives in your body, which allows you to move through your life. Yes, there can be sorrow, there will be challenges, failures and incorrect decisions, but there is also love, joy, successes, accomplishments, new experiences, beauty.
Think of it this way: Life is an Adventure…..don’t you want to enjoy your adventure in the best possible body you can have? No matter what size, or color you are….you can create the BEST version of yourself whenever you choose.
Need some help? WE are here. Hypnosis is the easiest way to make change and make it last.
By working with the powerful subconscious mind, learn to love yourself, you will find it much easier to make healthy choice, follow through on new positive behaviors and take great care of yourself.
Call me today to find out more. You deserve the best life, whatever that is for you!
With Love, Colleen 702.922.7015