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Fall Equinox and You!

Fall is in the air, can you feel it? I Love this time of year… The Autumnal or Fall Equinox was Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 and you can even feel the changes here in Las Vegas.

Makes me want to go out and buy some pumpkins, even in the desert. LOL.

Summer has slowly come to a close as the days have been getting shorter and shorter since the light peaked on Summer Solstice in June. Equinoxes represent the perfect balance of Light and Dark, and now the dark slowly takes back over until we reach Winter Solstice in December.

I Love the changing of the seasons, brings me a whimsical feeling and I realize that life is very magical if we just take a moment to stop, breathe and be in the moment.

This is also a wonderful time of year to take stock in what we have set out to do in January and what we have accomplished. In most cultures this time of year is also Harvest time…the time to bring in the crops from the Summer growth. In the spirit of harvest, ask yourself: “What am I harvesting from my efforts of the spring and summer? Have I accomplished what I set out to do? Do I need to make adjustments?"

Create a Sacred Space and Be Fully Present

Grounding is a term used to describe a process of being fully present with our mind, body and emotions. If you’re feeling scattered, grounding may be a very helpful tool. Choose a place that creates a sense of peace and joy inside of you when you think of it. If possible, sit on a blanket in your back yard or somewhere in nature where you can be close to Mother Earth. Breathe deeply and inhale the Fall air. As you breathe, imagine you’re breathing in all the beautiful energy of the earth and sky, the trees and birds into your body. Sit relaxed but with your spine straight, cross-legged and feel your bottom on the ground, a part of the ground.

Your Imagination Makes Actual Changes in Your Brain and Your Body.

Sit and breathe, listen and feel. Imagine you’re sending energy from light coming into the top of your head, down your spine and into the earth. In your mind, imagine this energy shooting all the way down to the center of the planet and back up again into your spine. Observe nature, observe how your body feels, observe your thoughts or feelings. You are now grounded. This is a powerful space for reflecting on where you are and imagining and creating for where you want to be.

Your Body ~

Want to feel better about yourself? Keep in mind, your body remembers every word you say about it and think about it. Your body responds to your words and thoughts. If you want a beautiful, healthy body, start saying nice things to it and to yourself.

Feeling Stuck?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to change, we feel stuck. I completely understand and this is why I love what I do. I can help you get “unstuck.” Investing in a customized personal improvement package will be the best thing you ever do for yourself. Your mind is powerful and holds all the keys to your life and why you’re here. Believe me when I say, you are not here to be mediocre, but to live your life with passion and fulfillment in every area.

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to. Give us a call, we can help.

Warmly, Colleen

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