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Do You Have What You Want?

What if I told you You could have everything you desire for yourself? Would you believe me?

Everything you desire for yourself begins in your mind….so whether you believe me or not is the largest part of the formula.

Here’s a cool thought for you to consider…if you can imagine it, you have the ability to create it.

“Imagination, the preview of Life’s Coming Attractions.” Albert Einstein, Quantum Physicist

Everything on our planet began because someone imagined it first….then, “believed” they could do it!

Think about this ~ the chair you’re sitting in, your car, the device you’re reading this email on, your home, the nuts, bolts & screws holding your building together, airplanes, light bulbs, rocket ships to the moon….all became reality because someone imagined it first.

Imagination is the first step. Second…Belief!

Your mind, your consciousness in every cell in your body, responds to your imaginings. Your mind is unlimited in what it can create, including: loving relationships, Money, a Healthy Vibrant Body, A successful business, a lifestyle of freedom and travel and most important, Happiness!

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t…you are right!” Henry Ford, Father of the American Automobile

Let’s have some fun. So right now, sit quietly and imagine what you want for yourself. Think of some area of your life you would like to improve.

Really get your senses involved.

What does it look like when you have this thing or situation?

What does it sound like?

What does it feel like?

Notice if there’s any part of you that is saying “you can’t do/have that!”

Whenever you have a thought about why you can’t do something or have something or you procrastinate or keep from moving forward, feel challenged, the following Universal Laws should be referenced!

Law #1: You can achieve/have anything or feeling you desire for yourself.

Law #2: If you can imagine it, it’s possible for you to achieve/acquire. (Notice I didn’t say “Easy,” I said possible.)

Law#3: Your consciousness is intertwined and inseparable from the Universe and therefore Unlimited!

Law #4: Your beliefs, whether you “can” or “cannot” are true for you….but not necessarily “reality.”

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Law #5: You and only YOU create your experience of life…your reality!

Law #6: Noone outside of you can make you feel any certain way ~ unless you let them. Your feelings are a direct result of your own beliefs, experiences and reactions to outside circumstances.

Law #7: The Past Does Not Equal the Future! (Tony Robbins.) The past is over, but continues to provide references to what you believe is true. Doesn’t mean it is true now.

Law #8: Regardless of your life experiences, there are NO Victims Here!!! It’s worth repeating…THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE!

Law #9: Your ability to change your perceptions and therefore your experience of life already lives within you and is programmed into your DNA!

Law #10: Anytime you think or feel you are less than and cannot achieve your desires….re-read these laws and this is very cool…everything I’ve written here has been proven by science.

Consciousness is energy and energy can never die.

If you want to continue to feel badly or decide to live a mediocre life…stop feeling sorry for yourself…it is your decision. Embrace wherever you are right now and decide today to start making different choices!

Everyone needs coaching or assistance from time to time. Our minds did not come with a manual. Hypnotherapy is very helpful in overcoming areas that have become unmanageable or have been keeping you stuck from living your life purpose. Call me today for a FREE private Consultation. Isn’t it time you live the life you were born to live?

“Change Your Mind, Change Your Life” Dr. Wayne Dyer

Warmly, Colleen

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