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Use Hypnosis to Gain Energy!

Hypnosis for More Energy!

Are you wondering if hypnosis could help you gain more energy? The good news is it can.

Are You Ready for Spring? Well, Ready or Not, Spring is here and it’s time to melt away your winter blues and get ready for action. But wait, are you feeling kind of lazy, not as much energy as you’d like to do all the things you want to do?

Hypnotizing Yourself is Easier Than You Think and It can Absolutely Help You!

Can you hypnotize yourself to have more energy? Yes, you absolutely can! Did you know that hidden beneath the surface of your conscious mind, in your “subconscious,” are beliefs and programs that could be keeping you stuck from moving forward and having all the energy you need. In fact, if you are carrying around past regrets, guilt or resentment, you could literally be stopped in your tracks from having all the energy you need to create a positive, joyful, successful life! And, if you’ve created some bad habits during the lazy Winter months, you may feel like you’re carrying around a backpack full of lead when you try to get moving!

How does someone hypnotize themselves? You may be surprised to discover how easy it really is. Hypnosis is a state of mind you drift into and out of all day long. For example, when you’re driving your car on the highway, or reading a good book, watching tv, listening to music, or even surfing the web.

The best time to use hypnosis for making change is when you’re between awake and asleep.

Each evening when you turn in for bed, you begin to relax and go into a hypnotic state. We call this the “alpha brainwave.” When you’re in this relaxed state, it’s like a doorway into your subconscious mind where all your habit patterns are stored, and all of your past experiences. And remember, your mind and body are all one being. So your thoughts and experiences, beliefs and habits literally affect how your body feels.

If you want to make it easier to change, then using the alpha brainwave is the quickest and easiest way to do it. How much easier can it get than to lie down for sleep and reprogram your mind?

This is how it works:

Session One

First, lie down and get comfortable in your bed. Take a few deep breaths into your belly and exhale through your mouth. Allow yourself to relax into your bed with each exhale, releasing the day.

Second, close your eyes and imagine you can follow your breath in and out of your body. Don’t fall asleep!! You’ll miss the best part.

Third, say a positive affirmation about yourself, such as:

“I love to exercise and tone my body.”

“I have massive amounts of positive energy flowing through me at all times.”

“I accomplish more in less time.”

“I am clearly focused on my goals and I accomplish them with ease.”

“I have all the energy I need to get through my day and beyond.”

These are just some examples. Spend some time and write down your own affirmations. Make sure you say them in the positive present, as if they are already true.

Session Two

Your powerful subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what you imagine. So now, imagine yourself going through your day tomorrow as if you had all the energy in the world. See yourself doing the activities of the day with ease, with exuberance, smiling and laughing, accomplishing more than you thought possible.

Imagine yourself taking a walk after work, or riding your bike, going to the gym or whatever it is you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t had the energy to do it. Images send a powerful message to the subconscious mind, which will cause changes to how you feel.

Don’t be surprised when you accomplish everything you’ve been imagining. In fact, you may be surprised at how easy it really is.

Hypnosis works if you know how to use it. If you’re not using it for positive improvement then I guarantee you are using it against yourself.

Remember, a Certified Hypnotherapist can help you get over any hurdles where you may be feeling stuck. If you realize you’re obsessively imagining the worst or dwelling on the past, or you’re still feeling lethargic, it’s probably time to call your hypnotherapist. We can help!

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Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for change and self-improvement. Disclaimer: Hypnosis-Coaching is a natural and relaxing process to help you overcome and improve areas you've been challenged and help you live a happier, more successful life. Results vary and are different for each individual. Everyone's life experiences are different and unique. Your success will be contingent upon a variety of issues such as your ability to follow instructions, follow through and cooperation. You are responsible for your experience and the Department of NeuroHypnotic Sciences and Associates do not accept responsibility for your experience regardless of your interpretation. By reading content on this website or using these services, you agree to hold harmless the Department of NeuroHypnotic Sciences and Associates. Hypnotherapy is not designed to be a replacement for medical assistance. If you are need of medical assistance, please contact your appropriate medical or psychiatric professional.

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