Happy Easter! Rebirth and Renewal!
Happy Easter! Easter Reflections ~ Easter was originally a holiday or celebration which dates back to ancient Egypt and in Europe,...

What does Luck Got to Do With it?
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Since it's almost St. Patrick's Day...I thought I'd talk about how Luck and Hypnosis are intertwined! People...

True Love Begins Within You...Happy Valentine's Day!
True Love is Your Natural State of Being: Valentine's Day is a GREAT time to remind ourselves that true love starts within. Everything...

Super Blood Wolf Moon in Leo...What?
Exciting News for this Weekend in January 2019: We're already past mid-January...amazing how the time flies, and we're in for a treat...

What Will You Accomplish in 2019?
Oh My Goodness....Can You Believe It? 2019 is HERE! What’s on Your To Do List? First, we want to wish you a Very Happy New Year. I hope...

Your 2018 Goals and Regrets?
When you think about all that you set out to accomplish this year…do you feel satisfied? Take a moment and think about what you planned...

Your Ultimate Life Now!
Creating Your Ultimate Lifestyle Now! We’re smack in the middle of November which means we’re in the last 45 days of 2018. Let me ask you...

Hypno-Anesthesia Works!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let’s face it, everyone has been affected by this horrible cancer in one way or another. Make...

Hypnosis for Happiness? You Bet!
Connect with Your Higher Self…Look Within to Find True Happiness October is such a fun month. There are many important “awareness”...

Fall Equinox and You!
Fall is in the air, can you feel it? I Love this time of year… The Autumnal or Fall Equinox was Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 and you...